Amit Attia

amitattia at mail dot tau dot ac dot il


I'm a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University, advised by Prof. Tomer Koren. I completed my MSc under the supervision of Tomer and before that, obtained a BSc in Computer Science and a minor in Physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My research focuses on optimization for machine learning, and in particular on convergence and generalization of first-order methods.

For a list of publications see below or on my google scholar profile.


  • Faster Stochastic Optimization with Arbitrary Delays via Asynchronous Mini-Batching
    Amit Attia, Ofir Gaash, Tomer Koren


  • A Note on High-Probability Analysis of Algorithms with Exponential, Sub-Gaussian, and General Light Tails
    Amit Attia, Tomer Koren




  • SGD with AdaGrad Stepsizes: Full Adaptivity with High Probability to Unknown Parameters, Unbounded Gradients and Affine Variance
    Amit Attia, Tomer Koren
    ICML 2023


